

Herbiko syrup with plant content and very effective on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. Herbica is recommended for people with cold and cough flu symptoms.

Herbiko syrup with plant content and very effective on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. Herbica is recommended for people with cold and cough flu symptoms.


  • Honey, quite effective in the health of the respiratory system, eliminating viruses that cause irritation and infection.
  • The root of the marshmallow plant, with antibacterial properties.
  • Primrose root, soothing cough, clears the airways and against lung infections.
  • Basil leaves, is called as a natural antiseptic also as a perfect warrior against colds and flu.
  • Chamomile, clears the airways, relieves irritation and sore throat.
  • Rose fruit, prevents and treats colds and flu.
  • Vitamin C, a very important nutrient for health and the immune system.

Usage: Herbiko, used by children over 3 years. Three times a day from a small spoon (5ml). Adults and children over 12 years, three times a day from a large spoon (15ml).

Warning: Herbiko, not used for children under 3 years old, persons allergic to any of the ingredients or suffering from asthma. It is advised to be careful people with diabetes, suffering from gastritis or ulcers e stomach. In case of persistent symptoms that last longer, contact your doctor or pharmacist.