Herbiko Family Pack


Herbiko Family Pack – herbiko herbal and effective syrup against two types of cough. Herbiko has quantities for the whole family!

Herbiko Family Pack - herbiko herbal and effective syrup against two types of cough.

Herbiko sugar-free syrup with herbal extracts removes:

  • cough
  • sore throat
  • irritations
  • removes secretions
  • opens bronchi and facilitates breathing
  • coats the mucosa and soothes airway inflammation.

Herbiko has quantities for the whole family!

Herbiko contains:

  • Root marshmallow, with antibacterial properties
  • Chamomile, soothes cough and clears the airways
  • Vitamin C, creates immunity
  • Basil leaves, fights cold
  • Primrose root, soothes coughs and sore throats.

Usage: Adults and children older than 12 years, 3 times a day a tablespoon (15 ml). -Children from 3 years -12 years, 3 times a day a small spoon (5ml) -The dose can be measured with a closed gradient measuring spoon.

Warning: Herbiko, not used for children under 3 years old, persons allergic to any of the ingredients or suffering from asthma. It is advised to be careful people with diabetes, suffering from gastritis or ulcers e stomach. Marshmallow root can reduce the absorption of other drugs in the body therefore Herbiko is preferred to be used 1 hour before or after administration of other medicines.